Collaborative practice allows you and your former partner to resolve your property settlement and children’s parenting and child support arrangements without Court intervention.
Together with specifically trained Collaborative Family Lawyers, Family Counsellors and Financial Professionals you will be supported through the Collaborative process enabling you to reach legally binding Agreements without the expense, angst and upset of the usual family law process.
You will attend a series of team meetings with the Lawyers present, the Counsellor and Financial Professional may also attend.
The Lawyers are responsible for ensuring that there are no surprises, that communication remains as positive as possible, that conversations are goal focused instead of a percentage based entitlement conversation, that you know what will be discussed prior to attending meetings and that you have had the opportunity either jointly or separately from your former partner to meet with the Counsellor and / or Financial Professional assisting in your matter.
Through a series of team meetings you will be able to share your goals and fears and may be surprised at the generosity you and your former partner are able to show each other and how quickly you can finalise matters.
If you are interested in a confidential conversation about Collaborative Law please contact TML Family Law.
